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Which is right for you? See the table below

I work with organisations between 5 people to over 5000. Each type of business has its own unique challenges, but on the whole, similar issues tend to affect most businesses to a greater or lesser degree. However, I’ve found that a different approach is needed when working with larger vs smaller organisations - whilst all will benefit hugely from creating and embedding a plan; the size of the business will impact the approach to ambition and target setting, governance, stakeholder comms, and importantly, when and how action can be taken.

I’ve designed a set of packages to suit both larger and smaller businesses.

Better Business workshop

Designed for larger businesses, this is a comprehensive and interactive day-long workshop which will increase your knowledge and provide you with a draft plan and the tools to move forward. By the end of the day we’ll have identified and prioritised your areas for action, and created a first draft of your framework and ambitions. The day is built around your industry, and includes a competitor review, and bespoke ideas for how you can bring your strategy to life. It also includes pre fact-finding and post review sessions.

Sustainability Action workshop

This day-long workshop has been created specifically for smaller businesses, providing the opportunity for upskilling on all things sustainability, defining priorities and a simple plan that will allow you to focus on the issues that matter. We’ll focus on areas where small businesses can take action, and where support is available for projects and initiatives. You’ll also receive a small business comms toolkit to help you communicate your progress.

Sustainability Action monthly support package

Designed with smaller businesses in mind. this is a pay-monthly package - you’ll receive a monthly email that provides actionable support, templates, news and inspiration to help your small business on its sustainability journey and to build sustainability into your brand and operations. The cost also includes 4x consultations through the year to give you advice and extra help on the challenges you may be facing.

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Sustainability comms audit

How well are you communicating the things you’re already doing to positively impact people and planet? How do you stack up against your competitors and where are the opportunities to do better? This comprehensive audit reviews your comms channels and provides you with a detailed report including recommendations for improvement.

Free Initial consultation

Sometimes, it’s difficult to define what you need. If you’ve been feeling like you need to do more in this space, but don’t quite know where to start, let’s meet for a 1hr consultation. Post the session you’ll receive some actionable recommendations on what to do next.